Infidelity - How Do I Use a Polygraph to Eliminate the Doubt

The creep of doubt in the confidence of your relationship, whether the thoughts or concerns are warranted, will erode any intimacy and trust.  The emotionally charged arguments will ultimately lead to one or both parties losing faith in each other’s words and actions.  A worst-case scenario may lead to a physical confrontation and police involvement.

In a quest for truth and transparency, a polygraph examination can be explored to rebuild trust.  When one or both parties agree to participate in a polygraph, it demonstrates a willingness to confront the issue(s) and provide closure to the lingering questions.  The best-case scenario proves that the couple has not gotten to the point of no return and can begin to rebuild and communicate without the nagging doubts.  The alternative scenario would prove that one or both parties violated the trust and sanctity of the relationship.  In this situation, the couple has a definitive answer that allows them to move on from the relationship without a doubt that they are making a wrong or premature decision.

The decision to utilize the polygraph must be a mutual one.  It is usually initiated by one person with an ultimatum that the other show the commitment to the relationship by agreeing to participate.  If the reader of this blog is wanting answers from their partner with regards to infidelity, there are some things to think about.

In order for the test to be valid and reliable, test construction is vitally important.  You should know that polygraph questions:

·         Are thoroughly discussed prior to the instrumentation portion of the test

·         Are Yes and No answers

·         Must be very specific

·         Must be fact based, not emotion based

Ideally, the primary relevant question should be the question you want answered the most.  This question should be the one issue that makes any other question or topic a moot point.  For example, “Since the beginning of the relationship, have you ever had sexual contact with anyone other than _______” may be asked.

Often, the examinee (one taking the examination) may admit having an affair that was previously disclosed to their partner.  They may now insist that there have not been any other discretions since.  In this case, the question may be worded, “Since _______, have you ever had sexual contact with anyone other than ______.”

If you decide to ask Sorenson Polygraph Services to perform the examination, we will have a lengthy discussion with you to discuss all of your concerns and determine what the relevant issue you want answered. We know each circumstance is unique and do not pass judgment on anyone.  After almost 20 years conducting polygraph examinations, we have seen and heard everything.  We understand and do not take for granted the delicate position our clients are in. You will be treated with dignity and respect throughout the entire process.


Preparing To Take A Polygraph Examination